At this time every year, the volume of GS1-128 shipping label compliance infractions significantly increase. The larger retailers’ supply chains are dependent on automated receiving processes, which require suppliers to be in 100% compliance with their carton label requirements. The most effective way to reduce and/or eliminate offset expenses is to focus on improving performance. Recommended steps include:
- Routinely review your trading partners’ requirements. Convey this information to key personnel at your company. For example, JCPenney suppliers are encouraged to visit their web portal weekly.
- Do not assume your company is in compliance. Confirm your company’s compliance by certifying your GS1-128 shipping labels. New personnel and system changes require updated certification for each retailer whose business you value. A $75 testing/certification fee can prevent unnecessary compliance offsets. We consistently see an increase in label defects from previously certified suppliers who made changes to their label material.
Emphasis the importance of GS1-128 Shipping Label Placement to all personnel responsible for handling cartons. Placement requirements vary among retailers so education is key. Over 28% of all label offsets in 2014 involved incorrectly placed GS1-128 labels.
- Perform routine maintenance on printing equipment and confirm supplies are suitable for your application. If you are having issues with print quality, changing your print heads may solve the problem. We also recommend you always have spare print heads in-house at all times. Print quality infractions account for the largest percentage of GS1-128 issues and can be eliminated by proactive quality control that ensures consistent label compliance.
Bar Code Graphics is a leader in barcode print quality and is the largest North American barcode testing center for POS and shipping labels. Please feel free to call us at 800.662.0701 x310 or email us at Information on our in-house barcode testing group can be viewed at
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