Amazon Project Zero – Fight Counterfeit Products

Amazon Project Zero

At the beginning of March, Amazon announced a new self-service seller tool known as Project Zero. The goal of this new initiative is to empower sellers to drive counterfeit products across Amazon down to, you guessed it, zero.
In the past, sellers have had to report any counterfeits of their products to the Amazon Seller Support team, who would then launch an investigation and handle the process from there. But thanks to Project Zero, Amazon is eliminating the middleman and allowing brands and private label sellers to strike down counterfeit listings all on their own.

How Project Zero Works

With Project Zero, Amazon uses a combination of advanced technology, machine learning and innovation to detect fraudulent products and ensure that they are taken down in a timely manner. This is accomplished thanks to three new tools:

Automated Protections

Amazon’s machine learning expertise constantly scans Amazon stores to eliminate suspected counterfeits before they are reported. Brands start by providing the platform with their trademarks, logos and other brand information. Amazon then uses this data to scan more than 5 billion product listings each day in search of counterfeits. Based on initial tests, Amazon has found that, on average, automated protections stop 100x more counterfeit products than brand reporting alone.

Self-Service Counterfeit Removal Tool

This tool allows brands to take control of removing counterfeit listings. Instead of reporting a violation to Amazon and waiting for Seller Support to take action, brands can now control and remove counterfeit listings directly from Amazon’s store. The tool is quick, easy and entirely self-service. And even better, all information is fed back into automated protections to help Amazon better detect suspect listings down the road.

Product Serialization

With product serialization, also known as Amazon Transparency, Amazon can scan and verify the authenticity of every single product purchased through the platform. For a minimal fee, sellers can have each of their products manufactured with a unique serial code. Every time a product using Amazon’s serialization service is purchased, the product is scanned to confirm its authenticity. This allows Amazon to head off counterfeit products before they make their way to the customer.

More Empowerment. Greater Efficiencies.

Amazon Project Zero is clearly an exciting new opportunity for sellers, who now have the power to oversee and protect their own products. It’s a step in the right direction for Amazon as well, who never has been and never could be able to monitor the entire marketplace and handle all reported violations and counterfeits all on its own. Essentially, it’s a win-win. Sellers enjoy more empowerment over their products. Amazon Seller Support no longer has to battle counterfeit issues on its own. And everyone enjoys a faster, more streamlined reporting and removal process.

Eligibility and Requirements

amazon project zero faqs
While the advantages of Project Zero are clear, there are some barriers to entry that, at least for now, prevent all sellers from reaping the benefits. The program is currently available by invite-only, and only within the United States.

On top of that, there are additional requirements that brands must meet to be eligible for Amazon Project Zero. Potential brands are required to have a government-registered trademark and also have their brand enrolled in Amazon’s Brand Registry. Once users are accepted into the program, they are subject to training and ongoing monitoring in order to help prevent misuse of the tool.

What is the Next Step?

As we mentioned, there is currently no way for brands to sign up for Amazon Project Zero, but sellers who are interested can join Amazon’s waitlist.

If you have additional questions about Project Zero or want to learn more about on-going updates and improvements Amazon is making, click here to schedule a complimentary call with an Amazon consultant.

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